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BIO | Quattro vs Straumann® bone level | Blue Sky Bio

Comparison Chart

Features BIO | Quattro Straumann®  bone level
Implant system is prosthetically and surgically compatible with Straumann® bone level Implant System Yes Yes
Drills compatible with Straumann® and Blue Sky Bio tissue level and bone level Systems Yes Yes
Abutments  find rotational indexing even at a significant angle to the long axis of the implant* Yes No
Screw engages the implant before abutments engages the indexing feature of the implant* Yes No
Sloped guide planes to facilitate engaging of the indexing feature* Yes No
Mount free insertion design for easy implant insertion Yes No
ActivFluor®** surface Yes No
Angled stock abutments or angled multi unit abutments with  unique slots that can be placed in 8 positions even within a four position implant Yes No
Deep thread design for improved primary stability Yes No
Micro threads for increased safety in internal sinus lift with immediate implant placement Yes No
Implant with self tapping apical grooves Yes No
Implants available to 16mm lengths Yes No
Abutment with integrated impression transfer, eliminating the need for additional implant level impression components Yes No
Commonly used Orthopedic Grade 23 – Titanium 6AL-4V ELI Yes No
Price $ $$$

* Feature is functional with any BIO| Quatto implant or abutment even in combination with a Straumann component

** ActivFluor is a fluoride modified surface. Various fluoride modified surfaces have been shown in multiple studies to generate a higher bone-to-implant contact (BIC) and higher torque out force significantly earlier than surfaces which are only blasted and not fluoride treated. The enhanced apposition of osteoblasts is primarily achieved by a modified nano topography of the implant surface and not by additional chemical activity. Click here for SEM images.

BIO | Quattro is not compatible with the Straumann® BLX Implant System with TorcFit™ connection.