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BIO | Max DP vs Nobel Active® | Blue Sky Bio

BIO | Max DP Comparison Chart

Features Blue Sky Bio NobelActive®
Implants surgically and prosthetically compatible with NobelActive® and NobelReplace CC* Yes Yes
Compatible with Blue Sky Bio drills Yes Yes
ActivFluor®** surface treatment for enhanced osseointegration Yes No
Strong primary stability in all bone types Yes No
Only one body design needed Yes No
Platform switched conical connection Yes Yes
Abutment with integrated impression transfer, eliminating the need for additional implant level impression components Yes No
Orthopedic Grade 23 – Titanium 6AL-4V ELI (especially important for thin implants) Yes No
Price $ $$$

*Not compatible with Gold Adapt Non-engaging UCLA abutments.

**ActivFluor is a fluoride modified surface. Various fluoride modified surfaces have been shown in multiple studies to generate a higher bone-to-implant contact (BIC) and higher torque out force significantly earlier than surfaces which are only blasted and not fluoride treated. The enhanced apposition of osteoblasts is primarily achieved by a modified nano topography of the implant surface and not by additional chemical activity. Click here for SEM images.