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Download Planning Software Windows | Blue Sky Bio

Download Planning Software Windows


Cummings Blaise Panoramic View Cummings Blaise Axial View Cummings Blaise Implant View capture Cummings Blaise 3D View

Blue Sky Plan® is computer software for viewing and reformatting images created by computerized tomography and can be used for virtual implant treatment planning and surgical guide fabrication. For more information regarding the beta version of Blue Sky Plan® please email plan@blueskybio.com.

Agree to Terms and Download the NEW Version of Blue Sky Plan - 64bit (V4.13 64bit)


BlueSkyPlan is no longer available for Mac. It can only be installed on Windows computers. Learn More.

Download BlueSkyPlan User Manual

The user acknowledges prior to download and use that;

1. Blue Sky Plan® is available for download free of charge in many countries throughout the world.

2. The software is a medical device that can only be used by or under the direct supervision of a licensed practitioner.

3. That this software should not be utilized without careful review of the complete instructional manual located in the 'Help' section of the software.

4. Periodic updates for the software may become available and it is the user's responsibility to inform Blue Sky Bio of email address changes.  Users are further urged to check the Blue Sky Bio website for software upgrade announcements.

5. The hardware on which the software is installed conforms to the following minimum system requirements:

- Operating System: Windows 10 Home/Professional 64 bit or newer
- Processor: Quad Core Intel i7 or comparable
- RAM: At least 16 GB
- Video Card: dedicated NVidia or AMD card, at least 3 GB video RAM (e.g. NVidia GeForce GTX 650, AMD   Radeon HD 7750, …)
- Monitor: 21 inch, resolution at least 1920x1080
- Hard Disk: 5 GB of free space

6.  By downloading the software and requesting a licensing code, the user agrees to use the email communication to attest to his/her agreement to the terms and conditions stated in the “Agreement to Terms and Download” and to the user “License Agreement”.

7. Aligner fabrication and use:  

- The user confirms they have read the Instructions for Use before downloading the Software, will follow the stipulated software instructions and will properly use approved materials and hardware.

- Dentist should provide the patient with no more than three aligners at each dental visit and verify fit at the   time of aligner delivery.

- A licensed dentist must review and approve any digital treatment plan and monitor the progress of treatment

8. Dentist or user is required to notify Blue Sky Bio via plan@blueskybio.com as soon as possible if any adverse reaction is noticed or reported.

9. Blue Sky Plan is a medical device that has been cleared in the USA, Canada and the European Union. In other countries, it is the responsibility of the medical professional to verify that the software can be used following local regulatory requirements.

By receiving Blue Sky Plan® you agree to the terms and conditions listed above.  After downloading please complete the registration form in the software to request your license code.

  mdi Europa GmbH
  Langenhagener Straße 71 D-30855 Langenhagen


Blue Sky Bio, LLC is not affiliated with, nor warrants the products of other implant companies listed within Blue Sky Plan® software.

Software UDI:  00815131026726